SMF empowers women to be mentally, physically, and spiritually well.

We have the tools to stay strong, mindful, and fearless through life’s transitions.

I’m here to help change the narrative of midlife transitions for women everywhere.

I’m Stephanie, and I’m on a mission to help women awaken within themselves and become stronger, mindful, and more fearless inside and out. I center my work on helping women train their mental, physical, and spiritual parts so they can holistically approach middle age and be more confident, present, and inflow with their lives.

My titles are many: trainer, ayurvedic practitioner, balance bringer, consistency coach, wellness expert, wife, mom, friend… among other things! 

Quite simply though, when I think about what I do, it’s this: I help women create confidence. Whether we’re focused on mindful practices, fitness training, soulful exploration, or integrating all of these practices to master midlife, I work closely with all of my clients to meet them where they are so they can own their life’s transitions and evolve accordingly.

I have a BS and MS in health education and am also a nationally certified personal trainer with additional training in women’s fitness. I’ve managed health and wellness programs for Arlington County Government and Inova Health Systems, and previously taught wellness at Marymount University. I’m a Chopra Center certified meditation instructor, wellbeing coach, and practice and instruct on Ayurvedic lifestyles and how to be in balance and harmony with the world around us.

As a runner and triathlete who completed the Lake Placid Ironman and several half and full marathons, I choose a few races to run each year because setting tangible goals helps me stay motivated to prioritize exercise amidst the demands of daily life. I also cherish time with my husband, two children, and our family members.

Certifications & Affiliations

SMF Mission & Vision


Working on ourselves is imperative, because if we’re doing it right - we’re constantly changing. This is a good thing. We are meant to evolve. We all want to feel loved and to be seen so we can dream big and grow into who we are meant to be. 

I believe real growth occurs when we push ourselves beyond our comfort zones. I believe we can support each other as we grow. Connection reminds us that we are all one. When we don’t make time to connect, we can feel lost and alone. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can have support and give and receive freely.

The most important thing we can do for ourselves is pause and reflect. In that pause, we find peace and are able to let go of negative thoughts and situations that are not helping us. Peace is necessary because the answers come to us when we have quiet and stillness. Those answers help us live our best lives.

The most important thing we can do for humankind is to take care of ourselves so we can refresh and reset so we can be of service to others. Once we connect to ourselves, we can better connect to others. 

Unconditional love and patience are born out of mindfulness, strength, and consistency.

We build our best lives through little actions taken every day. While we are our own best resource, it is important to have a collective for support so we can see the infinite possibilities of our lives. 

We are strong. We are mindful. We are fearless. Join us.